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11 lata 1 miesiąc temu - 11 lata 1 miesiąc temu #19974 przez Piołun
Piołun odpowiedział w temacie: Stres na zawodach

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11 lata 1 miesiąc temu #19977 przez Ryba
Ryba odpowiedział w temacie: Stres na zawodach
Nie przepadam za zakupami zagranicznymi, wolałabym jednak od kogoś odkupić, bądź poszukać nówki w sklepach w Polsce.
Super, byłabym wdzięczna ;)czekam na jakieś info.

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11 lata 1 miesiąc temu #19978 przez Tadeusz Bartosiak
Tadeusz Bartosiak odpowiedział w temacie: Stres na zawodach
Ciekaw jestem jaki tytuł Cię interesuje?
Freedom Flight czy With winning in mind ?
Niestety w Polsce chyba raczej nie do dostania.

Jakby ktoś mógł podesłać spis treści to byłbym wdzięczny.

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11 lata 1 miesiąc temu #19980 przez Piołun
Piołun odpowiedział w temacie: Stres na zawodach
With Winning In Mind. Lanny Bassham


Section I: What is mental management.

1.It doesn’t matter if you win or lose – until you lose.
2.Why winners win.
3.Principles of mental management.
4.The balance of power.

Section II: Building the conscious circle.

5.The mental management goal-setting system.
6.The principle of reinforcement.
7.Rehearsal: The most versatile mental tool.
8.The three phases of a task.
9.Improving concentration by running a mental program.

Section III: Building the subconscious circle.

10.The skills factory.
11.Performance analysis.

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  • Tadeusz Bartosiak
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11 lata 1 miesiąc temu #19981 przez Tadeusz Bartosiak
Tadeusz Bartosiak odpowiedział w temacie: Stres na zawodach
Dzięki Piołun
Fajne tematy, chyba sobie kupię.
Choć muszę sprawdzić bo wydaje mi się, że
książka Freedom Flight jest nowsza.
Niestety, obie dostępne są tylko za granicą :(

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11 lata 1 miesiąc temu - 11 lata 1 miesiąc temu #19982 przez Piołun
Piołun odpowiedział w temacie: Stres na zawodach
Proszę bardzo :)

Po prawdzie to temat o stresie, ale skoro już rozmawiamy o książkach ...... zresztą te pozycje pomagają poradzić sobie ze stresem na zawodach.

Freedom Flight jest nowszą książką, jednak polecam również lekturę With winning in mind. Napisana bardzo prostym i zrozumiałymn językiem i jako jedna z niewielu poruszająca problem "mentalny" w strzelectwie. Naprawdę godna uwagi.

Pojawiła się jeszcze książka opublikowana przez MEC - The Psyche Of The Shot
można ją kupić u kolegi Hexera. Jeszcze jej nie mam dlatego nie mogę nic napisać ale planuję zakup w najbliższym czasie

Kilka informacji o Freedom Flight ze strony Amazon:

Book Description

Two people have a conversation on a long plane trip from New York to Cairo Egypt. One is an Olympic Silver Medalist; the other is someone that will offer a truly unforgettable story that will take you, along with the medalist, to a new understanding of the origins of mental power. Lanny's new book, inspired by true events and real people, is an unforgettable story of survival and attainment, of becoming and accomplishment, as one man's experiences empower another man's future.

This book contains 14 success principles and the information in this product is not duplicated in our other materials. This is a great introduction to Mental Management and is applicable to absolutely anyone. This book will take away your WHINE. The emotional reaction to the characters and circumstances in this book are life altering. The experiences Jack explains to Lanny and the mentorship that Lanny encounters have been a turning point for many individuals. Our hope is that you will not only read this book for yourself but will take the time to share it with others.


Freedom Flight inspired me mentally and spiritually to go to the next level in my competition. It also moved me to be a better person. Life is not just about winning and losing, it s about learning and growing and Lanny showed me that God has a plan for me. --Shilah Phillips, Miss Texas 2006, 1st Runner Up to Miss America
Freedom Flight is incredible! I heard it for the first time from Lanny in his own words. This story will grab you within the first few minutes. Freedom Flight and its' lessons of mental power can't help but impact everyone who listens. Enjoy this incredible story and learn that the mind can overcome things you cannot even imagine until you read Freedom Flight. --Fred Funk, PGA Tour Player ---- Lanny Bassham has been an inspiration to me during my competitive years of golf. His book continues to inspire me in business as well. Freedom Flight has changed my perspective in business helping me to keep my focus on the important and letting the unimportant things go. Jun Lee, Entrepreneur - Owner and Founder of Styles by Jun ---- This story is so extremely powerful! It really makes you think and be grateful for the good things in your life. Every time this story is told, it touches my heart and I know that Lanny Bassham shares it for a purpose to touch the lives of everyone who hears it in a positive way. Thank you for the inspiration, Lanny! ---Richelle Braun, President, Eagle Solutions Corporation --Mental Management Systems

This story is so extremely powerful! It really makes you think and be grateful for the good things in your life. Every time this story is told, it touches my heart and I know that Lanny Bassham shares it for a purpose to touch the lives of everyone who hears it in a positive way. Thank you for the inspiration, Lanny! --Richelle Braun, President, Eagle Solutions Corporation

About the Author

Lanny Bassham, author of the book With Winning in Mind is an Olympic Gold Medalist and the founder of Mental Mangement Systems, one of the most respected mental training companies in the world. Lanny not only developed the Mental Management System but also used it personally to win 35 medals in international rifle competition for the USA including 22 world individual and team titles, setting 4 world records and winning the coveted Olympic Gold Medal in Montreal in 1976. This ranks him third in medal count for the USA among all shooters. Lanny is a member of the USA Shooting Hall of Fame. For the past 28 years, Lanny has been teaching Mental Management® to Olympians, business owners, Fortune 500 Corporations and the elite of sport and business community. The Mental Management System is a recognized performance enhancement program that is taught to and used by World and Olympic Champions throughout the world. Lanny Bassham is recognized as a teacher of the world's best in the area of mental preparation for sport and business. His clients include the FBI, the PGA and PGA tour players, Miss America finalists, Miss USA winners, World and Olympic champions, Fortune 500 companies, The United States Secret Service, The US Navy SEALS, The United States Army Marksmanship Unit, The US Marine Corps Marksmanship Unit and Olympic teams of USA, Canada, India, Japan, Republic of China, Korea and Australia.
Ostatnio zmieniany: 11 lata 1 miesiąc temu przez Piołun.

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